1. Purpose:

The purpose of this Investment Policy is to provide guidelines for the management and investment of the organization's assets to preserve and enhance the organization's financial resources while ensuring the fulfillment of its mission.

2. Prudent Investor Standard:

The organization shall adhere to the prudent investor standard, which requires the exercise of reasonable care, skill, and caution in managing and investing the organization's assets. Investments shall be made with the goal of achieving a reasonable rate of return consistent with the preservation of capital.

3. Asset Allocation:

The organization's investment portfolio shall be diversified to minimize risk. Asset allocation strategies shall be determined based on the organization's financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

4.. Risk Tolerance:

The organization recognizes that investments carry inherent risks. The Board of Directors shall establish risk tolerance levels and investment parameters consistent with the organization's financial objectives and obligations.

5. Investment Objectives:

The primary investment objectives of the organization are capital preservation, income generation, and long-term growth. Investments shall be selected with these objectives in mind.

6. Permitted Investments:

Permitted investments may include, but are not limited to, publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), certificates of deposit (CDs), and other fixed-income securities.

The organization may also consider alternative investments, such as real estate or private equity, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

7. Ethical and Social Considerations:

The organization may consider ethical and social factors in its investment decisions, provided that such considerations do not compromise the financial goals and fiduciary responsibilities of the organization.

8. Investment Review and Monitoring:

The Board of Directors, or a designated Investment Committee, shall periodically review and monitor the performance of the organization's investments. Investment managers, if employed, shall provide regular reports to assess compliance with this Investment Policy.

9. Spending Policy:

The organization shall establish a spending policy that governs the distribution of income or assets from the investment portfolio. The spending policy shall align with the organization's operational and programmatic needs.

10. Endowment Funds (if applicable):

- If the organization maintains endowment funds, they shall be managed in accordance with this Investment Policy, with a focus on long-term preservation and growth of the endowment.

11. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

- The organization shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing investments and nonprofit organizations.

12. Review and Amendment:

- This Investment Policy shall be reviewed at least annually and may be amended or updated as necessary by the Board of Directors to reflect changes in the organization's financial goals or market conditions.

13. Approval:

- This Investment Policy shall be approved by the Board of Directors and shall be made available to all members, stakeholders, and relevant parties.

This Investment Policy serves as a guiding document to ensure responsible and strategic management of the organization's assets. It emphasizes the need for diversification, risk management, ethical considerations, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in the investment of the organization's funds.